Castle Hill Primary School

Castle Hill

Primary School

Belong, Believe, Achieve and Grow

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🌟New opportunity for 2024!🌟 Meet our first ever Science Ambassadors at Castle Hill School! πŸ‘πŸ»

The children in years 3, 4 and 5 had the opportunity to apply to become a Science Ambassador for our school this year! We had over 20 applications and choosing was a very hard job as they were all so wonderful but these 8 children put their heart and souls into their applications and were awarded their special badges on Friday in Celebration Assembly! Well done, everyone! 🌟 I can’t wait to work with you this year!! πŸ‘πŸ»

Science Curriculum Intent


Science is using evidence to make sense of the world around us. It helps us to understand our relationships with the world in which we live and making new discoveries increases our sense of awe and wonder at the complexity of the world we inhabit. At Castle Hill Primary School, our vision is to provide children with a Science Curriculum that ignites awe and wonder in them!

Young children are naturally curious and excited to learn new things and so at Castle Hill we work hard to ensure that we have a stimulating curriculum in place which enables them to explore and discover the world around them in a way which seeks to further develop their enquiring minds and encourages them to become confident and independent learners.

Here at Castle Hill, our intent is to provide children with a curriculum steeped in rich scientific vocabulary and fundamental experiences to support them with their scientific development. We understand that not all children come to school with the same vocabulary range and set of experiences to hook new learning into and therefore offering children the chance to see real animals, touch exotic creatures, plant real fruits, vegetables and plants, hunt for real bugs, watch real chicks hatch or caterpillars transform into butterflies and conduct experiments together is vital for them to acquire the cultural capital they need and deserve to help them be successful members of society. Providing children with a wide range of extra-curricular activities such as visits, trips and visitors to compliment and broaden the curriculum, provides children with purposeful links to the knowledge being taught in class and promotes further curiosity about our world and respect for living and non-living things.

At Castle Hill Primary, we believe that for children to aspire to flourish and thrive both academically and as they go through their lives outside of school in the wider world, we need to provide rich and sustained opportunities to support them in developing the knowledge, behaviours and skills which they can confidently draw upon to be successful in society. To develop this cultural capital successfully, we want to hand the children at our school the power to achieve their goals, regardless of their starting points.

In order to do this, we have developed a curriculum which is carefully sequenced ensuring progression across each strand strand of Science. Throughout the Programmes of Study, children at Castle Hill will acquire and develop the essential knowledge that has been identified within each Unit, across each year group. Our LTP, vocabulary maps and knowledge organisers ensure that progression and depth is carefully mapped out across the school, building upon prior learning and knowledge and challenging them further, encouraging a deeper understanding. Teachers here at Castle Hill create a positive attitude to Science learning within their classrooms and promote the belief that all children are capable of achieving high standards in Science. Vocabulary is vital to the learning that goes on both inside the classroom and at home with new vocabulary explored in lessons, displayed and regularly referred to and knowledge organisers sent home to support children.

We further ensure that the Working Scientifically skills are built upon as children move through school to give children the skills that they need to apply their knowledge when conducting experiments, building arguments and explaining concepts with confidence. In order to do this, we strive to ensure that or Science Curriculum is as hands on as possible, providing enquiry-based activities and lessons rooted in Scientific enquiry with practical, engaging experiences that encourage a deeper sense of understanding and curiosity. Children are often encouraged to work in pairs, groups or classes to explore and solve problems in Science; where they are encouraged to question and explain their understanding. We want our children to experience the joy of having wonderful ideas, exploration and investigation. This collaborative learning is supportive in enabling children to practice, secure and extend vital scientific knowledge and vocabulary and fosters the joy of learning “how” and “why”. It also gives children the opportunity to develop important transferrable skills such as observation, communication, resilience, critical thinking, independence and team work, supporting them in becoming successful life-long learners who are eager to explore the world around them.


Science Long Term Overview

We love learning scientifically at Castle Hill!

Let's Experiment! Which material will be best for teddy's umbrella! - Year 1

Dissecting poo! Year 1 helped Mr Mole to discover who pooed on his head by using their scientific knowledge to dissect poo and establish each animals diet! We know now that it was an omnivorous animal which pooed on poor Mr Mole! Basil the Butcher's dog!
