Year Two
Welcome to Year 2
Teacher- Miss Aspden
Teaching Assistant- Mrs Munro
Year 2 marks the last year of KS1 and it is a very fun, exciting and busy year.
Our big focus during this half term is to make sure everyone settles happily back into Year 2 school life and the daily routines.
We have been focusing on being resilient, always trying our best to be the best possible versions of ourselves!

What we are currently learning
Our first topic for Autumn is 'Fire.'
We will be exploring the Great Fire of London 1666, finding out the facts and learning about the events that took place.
We went back in time to 1666 and met Samuel Pepys. He was around at the time of the Great Fire of London. He answered lots of questions we had about the event.

General Reminders
Spelling homework is given out on a Monday so that your child has the school week to practice before our spelling test, taking place everyday Friday. The Spelling homework covers high frequency words, year 2 phonic words as well as some topic words.
Occasional Maths, English or projects linked to our topics will be set across the year.
Reading books
Please ensure your child brings their reading book and record to school everyday. It is important that your child has the opportunity to read their book with you at home. The children receive dojo points for reading at home. Please comment in their reading record once they have read with you so that we know- books are changed every Friday.
PE Days
Year 2 will have their PE Days on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is important that your child brings their PE on these days- a t-shirt, shorts and pumps/trainers would be suitable for this.
Snack & Water Bottles
Your child can bring a nut free snack to eat at playtime. They can also bring their own water bottle to drink at school throughout the day.
If you have any worries or concerns then please feel free to speak to me on the playground in the morning or after school.
Year 2 Termly Overviews & Knowledge Organisers
Here are some websites for you to access extra learning resources from home: