Castle Hill Primary School

Castle Hill

Primary School

Belong, Believe, Achieve and Grow

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Year Six

Welcome to Year 6 

Welcome to Year 6's Class Page. Here, you'll find any key information and updates regarding Year 6...



Mr Monaghan - Class Teacher 
Mr Read - Teaching Assistant 
Miss Money - Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Waring - Teaching Assistant 
Mr Scott - Teaching Assistant. 


Key Information:

Homework - In addition to a reading book which should be read daily, Children will receive weekly spelling homework every Monday ready for our weekly spelling test (Friday). Additional Reading, Maths and Grammar homework may be set throughout the year to support your child's learning in class and in preparation for SATS. 


P.E - Year 6's P.E lessons are on a Monday and Friday. Please ensure that your child brings a full school P.E kit on these days. 

Drinks and Snacks - Your child may bring a snack to eat during playtime as well as a bottle with water / cordial to consume throughout the day. Please ensure any snacks are nut-free. Thankyou. 

Drinks and Snacks - Your child may bring a snack to eat during playtime as well as a bottle with water / cordial to consume throughout the day. Please ensure any snacks are nut-free. Thankyou. 



If you've any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to speak to one of the Year 6 staff... 


Our Year 6 Learning Journey! 
