Year Three
- Y3-Autumn-Block-3-WO10-The-8-times-table-2019-1.pdf
- Y3-Spring-Block-1-WO1-Comparing-statements-2019.pdf
- Y3-Spring-Block-1-WO2-Related-calculations-2019.pdf
- Y3-Spring-Block-1-WO3-Multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit-1-2019.pdf
- Y3-Spring-Block-1-WO4-Multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit-2-2019.pdf
- Y3-Spring-Block-1-WO5-Divide-2-digits-by-1-digit-1-2019.pdf
- Y3-Spring-Block-1-WO6-Divide-2-digits-by-1-digit-2-2019.pdf
- Y3-Spring-Block-1-WO7-Divide-2-digits-by-1-digit-3-2019.pdf
- Y3-Spring-Block-1-WO8-Scaling-2019.pdf
- Y3-Spring-Block-1-WO9-How-many-ways_-2019.pdf
Oxford Owl eBook Library Username: year3&4@ch Password: Castlehill
Learning by Question Here is the link for LBQ login (Learning by Question)
Microsoft Teams Follow this link to access online learning.
White Rose home learning link. If you click on the link then year 3 and the topic we are covering you will find video links, powerpoints and worksheets for the children to access.
Here is a link to allow your child to access TT Rockstars at home:
Here is the link for you child to access Purple Mash from home:
Curriculum Visions website link If you follow the link you can log in using these details. Username: castlehill/0001 password: jungle When you enter the home page you will find all the subjects at the top of the page. Click on the subject you need and then year 3. You will also find lots of information and activities for the Topic and Science lessons we will be covering.
Welcome to Year 3 2022!!
Your new staff are:
Mr Booth (Teacher)
Mr Hine (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs Hunstone (Teaching Assistant/Teacher- Wednesday)
Miss Steeple (Teaching Assistant)
Here are 9 maths activities for you to complete if you need to isolate.
Here are 10 comprehensions for you to complete if you have to isolate.
Here are some grammar activities.
- conjucntions.pdf
- Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheets.pdf
- snetences .pdf
- Up levelling sentences .pdf
- Grammar prepositions.pdf
- Grammar changing tense.pdf
- grammar conjunctions.pdf
- an-or-a- Tuesday.pdf
- Grammar noun phrases.pdf
- t2-e-3162-what-is-a-proper-noun-sorting-cards-activity_ver_3.pdf
- Grammar using conjunctions.pdf
- Punctuating Sentences.pdf
- adjectives.pdf
- Suffix -ed.pdf
Have a go at the different activities on the spelling mats.
Here are some times tables for you to have a go at.
Times Tables Songs 2 to 12 (Kool Kidz) Learn with Fun & Catchy Tunes!
Here are the times table songs that we really enjoyed at the beginning of the year. Sing, sing, sing year 3 ππ πΆπΆπΆ