Year One
Welcome to Year 1
Teacher - Mrs McCulloch
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Collier
Support Assistant - Mrs Platt
This term our topic has been about ourselves. We had fun labelling our body parts and have looked in more detail at our five senses and how they work.
Flashback 4 daily recap maths, addition and subtraction to 10.
Flashback 4 daily recap maths, place value to 10
Our senses powerpoint
Autumn 1 Knowledge organiser
Please use the following links to access the Read, Write Inc set 3 sounds videos with Matthew and friends.
Please use the following links to access Read Write Inc set 2 sounds videos with Matthew and friends.
You can enter the Curriculum Visions website for free by entering the following information:
Username: castlehill/0001
Password: jungle
Here is the link for you child to access Purple Mash from home: